Rebecca Horn


The Vertebra Oracle in Napoli

October 10 — December 31, 2015


One of the most versatile and inventive artists of our time, Rebecca Horn works across a range of media, including sculpture, installations, performances, painting, film and poetry. 

Over the last four decades, she has produced a highly complex oeuvre that is grounded and bound together by an ongoing meditation on metaphysical issues and a deep existential desire. Rebecca Horn’s last exhibit at the Studio Trisorio in Naples was in 2012 when – exactly 10 years after her Spiriti di madreperla installation in Piazza del Plebiscito – she returned with her Capuzzelle exhibit to re-contemplate the themes of rebirth, and the reciprocity between the dimensions of life and death. The “capuzzelle” (cast iron skulls), which have accompanied her work for many years and to many different museums in Berlin, New Delhi, Maribor and Moscow. Most recently also at La Llotja in Palma de Mallorca.

In her exhibition in Napoli will be presented skulptures and drawings related to poetry as a “Vertebra Oracle for the future”.

Part of the show is also a large-scale sculpture Revelation of a Tree. Casting branches center through their moving antennas the new energy point of the tree.


Marco Bagnoli


Stefano Cerio