Alfredo Maiorino


Giallo camera

February 14 — April 30, 2020


The exhibit reveals the key elements of Alfredo Maiorino’s extended, dual-faceted – perceptive and spatial – exploration which spans the gamut from architectural tension to pictorial reflection.

The gallery space itself is transformed into a large-scale work reproducing the characteristics of the artist’s “pictorial boxes”. Upon crossing the threshold, one enters the three-dimensionality of the gallery’s space, modulation and luminosity, almost as if entering one of the artist’s works and exploring its geometric and chromatic depths in a seductive process of reflection and refraction.

The works of Alfredo Maiorino conserve the structural elements of painting, colour, preparation, and draughtsmanship assembled under glass in a three-dimensional space which conceals and reveals an alphabet of geometries.


Francesco Arena


Eulalia Valldosera