Roxy in the Box
While the city of Naples is where the artist's soul and her artistic theatre find daily nourishment, her art looks to the world and addresses universal themes, while her works display an infinite repertoire of symbols found in the language of mass consumption, the icons of cinema, of advertising, of comics and of cartoons.
T'aggia scassà 'o sanghe, 2006, multilayer TV painted with water-based paint, monitor 22’’, 4’ 33’’, 37 x 9 x 57 cm, ed. 3 + 2 AP
Maresistere, 2024, secretaire chest of drawers painted with water-based paint, monitor 32’’, video 30’, 98 x 105 x 66 cm
video from Roxy in the Box's exhibition Social Pop Mirabilia held at Studio Trisorio (2024)
Roxy in the Box has exhibited in museums and galleries both in Italy and abroad since 1999. She has realized numerous street art works and has participated in artistic residencies the world over. Her exhibitions and projects include: Maresistere, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (2019), subsequently permanently installed at the State Archives of Naples; Best Packaging: scienza+design, Fuorisalone, Milan (2017); La Sposa Madre, the Cappella Sansevero Museum, Naples (2013); Save The Icon – Elvis Presley, realized with the Studio Trisorio at Borgo di Postignano, Sellano (2013); Storie che fanno la Storia, the Sky Arte Festival in collaboration with the Sky Academy, Naples; Cinesonika International Film and Video Festival of Sound Design, Vancouver; In & Out at the Kunsthalle Osnabruck Museum; Arredo Palazzo Italia, curated by the Farnesina, Belgrade; Cow Parade in Piazza della Signoria, Florence; Unwritten Structures. Italy, Racconti (in)visibili, an itinerant exhibition in South America and Eastern Europe, under the patronage of the Italian National UNESCO Commission. In 2008, the director Massimo Andrei filmed the documentary entitled Schiaffilife. Vita e opere di Roxy in the Box. In 2023, she realized the visual project of the Pessoa Luna Park devising works to be played and won for the Neapolitan stage of the itinerant theme park.
Roxy in the Box espone dal 1999 in musei e gallerie in Italia e all'estero. Ha realizzato numerose opere di street art e ha partecipato a residenze artistiche in giro per il mondo. Fra le sue mostre e progetti: Maresistere, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (2019), poi installata come opera permanente presso l’Archivio di Stato di Napoli; Best Packaging: scienza+design, Fuorisalone, Milano (2017); La Sposa Madre, Museo Cappella Sansevero, Napoli (2013); Save The Icon – Elvis Presley, realizzata con lo Studio Trisorio presso il Borgo di Postignano, Sellano (2013); Storie che fanno la Storia, Festival di Sky Arte in collaborazione con Sky Academy, Napoli; Cinesonika International Film and Video Festival of Sound Design, Vancouver; In & Out presso la Kunsthalle di Osnabruck; Arredo Palazzo Italia, a cura della Farnesina, Belgrado; Cow Parade in Piazza della Signoria, Firenze; Unwritten Structures. Italia, Racconti (in)visibili, mostra itinerante fra Sud America ed Europa dell'Est, con il patrocinio della Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l‘UNESCO. Nel 2008 il regista Massimo Andrei ha diretto il documentario Schiaffilife. Vita e opere di Roxy in the Box. Nel 2023 ha realizzato la progettazione visiva del Pessoa Luna Park ideando opere da giocare e da vincere per la tappa napoletana del parco tematico itinerante.