Steve Riedell
Riedell’s work arises from a slow process of stratification and negation and this constructing and deconstructing is reminiscent of the passage of time. Each of his works can be considered as part of a journey in which one work leads to the next and indicates the path to be followed. His works are universes made of words, shapes and layers of color upon which a constant flow of transformation is staged.
Steve Riedell – Place and Memory
Italy, 2013, 8’
Steve Riedell was born in Inglewood, California in 1954. He lives and works between Philadelphia and Frenchtown, New Jersey.
He has received numerous prizes and awards including the Director’s Prize (1999), the Elizabeth Grant (1999/2000), the PCA Grant (2000), the Pollock/Krasner Grant (2000/2001), the Mildred Bougher Award (2001) and the SOS Grant (2002). He was a finalist for the Gottlieb Grant and has exhibited in numerous galleries and public venues in the United States. In Italy, he is represented by Studio Trisorio where he, together with Lawrence Carroll, realized an exhibition entitled A Conversation Between Friends in 2007 and the solo show entitled Place and Memory in 2013 which was subsequently shown at the Castello di Postignano in Umbria in 2014.
Steve Riedell’s work arises from a slow process of stratification and negation and this constructing and deconstructing is reminiscent of the passage of time. Each of his works can be considered as part of a journey in which one work leads to the next and indicates the path to be followed. His works are universes made of words, shapes and layers of color upon which a constant flow of transformation is staged where the artist acts by questioning every gesture in order to reach other places which are no longer familiar to him, that are independent and capable of leading him far from himself in search of a new path.
Steve Riedell è nato a Inglewood in California nel 1954. Vive e lavora fra Philadelphia e Frenchtown nel New Jersey.
Ha ottenuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti come il Director’s Prize (1999), l’Elizabeth Grant (1999/2000), il PCA Grant (2000), il Pollock/Krasner Grant (2000/2001), il Mildred Bougher Award (2001), l’SOS Grant (2002). È stato finalista per il Gottlieb Grant e ha esposto in numerose gallerie e spazi pubblici negli Stati Uniti. In Italia è rappresentato dallo Studio Trisorio dove ha realizzato nel 2007 – insieme a Lawrence Carroll – la mostra A Conversation Between Friends e nel 2013 la personale dal titolo Place and Memory, poi ospitata anche presso il Castello di Postignano in Umbria nel 2014.
Il lavoro di Steve Riedell scaturisce da un lento processo di stratificazione e negazione e questo farsi e disfarsi rimanda al trascorrere del tempo. Ogni sua opera può essere considerata come parte di un percorso, dove un lavoro porta al successivo e suggerisce una via da seguire. I suoi lavori sono universi fatti di parole, forme e strati di colore sui quali viene messo in scena un flusso in costante trasformazione, dove l’artista agisce mettendo in discussione ogni gesto, per arrivare a luoghi altri che non gli siano più familiari, che siano indipendenti e capaci di condurlo lontano da se stesso, alla ricerca di una nuova via.